DC Regional User Group 2023 Virtual Meeting
Registration now open: https://forms.gle/j9nrGbDfmViScZsT9
The DC Ex Libris Regional User Group Annual Meeting will be held virtually on Friday, November 3, 2023, from 10am - 2:10pm via Zoom. The DC Regional User Group (DCRUG) represents Ex Libris product users in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia - however, all are welcome to attend.
Our schedule includes updates from the ELUNA Steering Committee
and Ex Libris, followed by three, 30-minute presentations. A comprehensive schedule with presentation summaries can be viewed
A snapshot of the schedule is below. Please note that the meeting schedule is for Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Please submit your registration by Wednesday, November 1st; there is no registration fee.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jackie Saavedra (saavedra@wrlc.org, Washington Research Library Consortium), DCRUG Co-chair
Shane Hickey (shickey@american.edu, American University), DCRUG Co-chair