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Friday, September 29, 2017

Museum of Natural History
1000 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20560

We've been given the chance to tour special libraries within the Museum of Natural History! 

Ex Libris Users Group Annual Meeting attendees can choose between the Botany Library and the Cullman Library. The tours will begin at 2:15, at the close of the meeting. 

The tour for the Cullman Library is limited to 15 attendees. The tour for the Botany Library is limited to 10 attendees, so please register and rank your tour preferences through the link below. Please submit your preferences by September 22, 2017. 

Look forward to see you there!

Denise M. Branch
Head, Continuing Resources
Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU Libraries
901 Park Ave / PO Box 842033
Richmond, VA 23284-2033