[image: Inline image 1] DCExLibris Annual Meeting Registration <https://goo.gl/forms/NWBZTVNbhRZTpvjF3> is now open (space is limited to 60) for the Annual Meeting of the DC Ex Libris Users Group Come join us as speakers share their experience with Ex Libris products. Ex Libris, a ProQuest Company and ELUNA will provide updates on the latest Ex Libris Products and Services! Join us for a tour of the World Bank Group Library after the meeting! *September 28, 2018* *10:00a.m. - 3:15p.m.* *International Monetary Fund * *IMF HQ1* *Room number HQ1-1-713* *700 19th St., NW* *Washington, DC 20431* *AGENDA:* 10:00-10:30 - Coffee, continental breakfast and registration 10:30-10:40 - Welcome by the Head of the Library, IMF 10:40-10:50 - Remarks by DC Ex Libris Chair, Denise Branch, VCU Libraries 10:50- 11:20 - ELUNA updates by Emily Singley , Liaison to Regional User Groups, ELUNA Steering Committee 11:20-12:05 - Ex Libris updates by Dave Hemingway-Turner, Senior Account Manager, Ex Libris, A ProQuest Company 12:05-1:35 - Catered Lunch 1:35-2:05 - Presentation title: "How did we create an A-Z database list using Alma API?" 2:05-3:05 - Presentation title: "Integrating library contents into other enterprise platforms and channels" 3:05-3:15 - Closing session 3:15-4:00 - Tour of World Bank Group Library Registration is Free. *Speakers:* Sunghoon Lee, Librarian, IMF Library Jing Zhong, Librarian, IMF Library Greg Horvitz, Web Services Librarian: On assignment to IMF Library Neeraj Uppal, IT Vendor: On assignment to IMF Library *Title:* How did we create a A-Z database list using Alma API? *Speakers:* Linda Venable, Librarian, IMF Library Sunghoon Lee, Librarian, IMF Library Neeraj Uppal, IT Vendor: On assignment to IMF Library Diana Talia Huaman Calderon, IT Analyst, Information Management Services, WBG Library *Title: * Integrating library contents into other enterprise platforms and channels *Directions to the venue:* http://www.imf.org/external/np/exr/visit/eng/index.htm *Parking at the venue:* There are several public garages nearby. *Identification:* Attendees should bring a driver's license. They will need to go through the HQ1 Visitor Center. *Tour:* World Bank Group Library followed by a coffee break to allow for networking of Ex Libris institutions *Hotel Accommodations:* There is a hotel nearby called The Concordia. http://www.theconcordia.com/ We look forward to seeing you there! Best regards, Denise -- Denise M. Branch Head, Continuing Resources Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Libraries 901 Park Ave / PO Box 842033 Richmond, VA 23284-2033 PH: 804-828-6436 Email: dmbranch@vcu.edu Fax: 804-828-5672