DCRUG Annual Meeting (Virtual) Friday, October 7th, 2022 9:30am – 12:15pm EST Registration <https://forms.gle/gUfUnmGpA6jSVuFu6> is now open for the DC Regional User Group (DCRUG) Annual Meeting, to be held virtually on Friday, October 7th, 2021. Though the regional group represents Ex Libris users from the DC/Maryland/Virginia area, the annual meeting is open and free to all Ex Libris users. Registration Form : https://forms.gle/gUfUnmGpA6jSVuFu6 Our schedule includes updates from the ELUNA Steering Committee and Ex Libris, followed by two Alma-focused presentations. A comprehensive schedule with presentation summaries can be viewed here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mRepau9PkKCw8-qkgwo_X18vIbFRnAFEw4omXjZQ...> . A snapshot of the schedule can be found below. Take note that the meeting schedule is for Eastern Standard Time. ******* 9:30a – 9:40a Welcome and opening remarks | DCRUG Chairs 9:40a – 10:10a ELUNA Updates 10:10a – 10:40a Ex Libris Updates ***BREAK*** 11:00a – 11:30a “Using an Alma IZ for Offsite Inventory Control” | Aaron Krebeck | Washington Research Library Consortium 11:30a – 12:00p “Using Alma Analytics to support standing order management” | Selena Chau, Andrea Duda, & Terry Hori | University of California Santa Barbara 12:00p - 12:15p Q&A, Closing remarks ******* Please submit your registration by Wednesday, October 5th; there is no registration fee. We look forward to seeing you there! Jackie Saavedra (saavedra@wrlc.org, Washington Research Library Consortium), DCRUG Co-chair Laura Morales (lcmorales@wm.edu, College of William & Mary), DCRUG Co-chair