Dear Colleagues—we have been having some problems with our internal e-mail and I wanted to make sure that members of the listserv had seen this message.  Please forgive me if you are receiving this twice.  Thanks, Brenda Braham


From: Braham, Brenda
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 4:00 PM
To: ''
Subject: Attending the 1:30 to 2:30 session on Customizing the Voyager OPAC on Oct. 30th? If so, we need your input!


If you are attending this session, please let us know what you would like us to cover.  We really want this session to be interactive with lots of give and take but we want to be sure to cover what you, the attendees, are hoping to see.  

__ Do you want this session to be a general session showing you how the new interface looks and discussing some of the things we did to
 customize our OPAC?

__ Do you want this session to a more “nuts and bolts” type of session, i.e., this is how we did ________ (please fill in the blank).  If this is the
kind of session you are looking for, please tell us specifically what you want to know.


Please put an X next to the topics you would be interested in discussing:

__ Are you using the Classic or Tomcat version of the OPAC?

__ What are your thoughts on the Pros and Cons of either staying with the Classic version or switching to the Tomcat version?  - And, why did
 you decide to either stay with Classic or to switch to Tomcat?

__ What works or doesn’t work so well if you switched to Tomcat?

__ What changes/customizations have you made to the “out-of-the-box” version of Tomcat?


Thanks,  Jenny, Metta and Brenda 


Jenny Hatleberg


Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring




Metta Lash

Reference Librarian/Collection Development

Montgomery College Library, Germantown




In need of help?  Ask us now! image001.png


Brenda Braham, Digital Initiatives Librarian
& 2nd Vice Chair, Staff Senate

Montgomery College
Rockville Campus Library
Technical Services, Macklin Tower 303S
Rockville, MD. 20850
240-567-8033 (off campus) and x78033 (on campus).

Learning Locally, Transforming Globally

Lubuto Library Project, Inc.,,
Bringing enlightenment and hope to Africa's most vulnerable children





My only question is about the section “We also have some questions for you:”

Are we wanting people to send us responses via email?  Or are we really suggesting that they should come prepared to discuss them.  Maybe we could say something like “Come prepared to discuss:”  or maybe “Possible points of discussion:” or even just “Points to discuss” or maybe have it be a little survey-ish like –


Would you like to discuss (check those that apply):


¾      Are you using the Classic or Tomcat version of the OPAC?

¾      What are your thoughts on the Pros and Cons of either staying with the Classic version or switching to the Tomcat version?  And, why did you decide to either stay with Classic or to switch to Tomcat?

¾      What works or doesn’t work so well if you switched to Tomcat?

¾      What changes/customizations have you made to the “out-of-the-box” version of Tomcat?



Just a thought. 


Metta Lash

Reference Librarian/Collection Development

Montgomery College Library, Germantown




In need of help?  Ask us now! cid:image001.png@01CA5181.6FAC6300


From: Braham, Brenda
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 10:21 AM
To: Hatleberg, Jennifer; Lash, Metta
Subject: Attending the 1:30 to 2:30 session on Customizing the Voyager OPAC on Oct. 20th? We need your input!


Thanks, Jenny.  So, how does this look?


If you are attending this session, please let us know what you would like us to cover.  We really want this session to be interactive with lots of give and take but we want to be sure to cover what you, the attendees, are hoping to see. 

·         Do you want this session to be a general session showing you how the new interface looks and discussing some of the things we did to customize our OPAC?

·         Do you want this session to a more “nuts and bolts” type of session, i.e., this is how we did ________ this and fill in the blank.  If this is the kind of session you are looking for, please tell us specifically what you want to know.

We also have some questions for you:


·         Are you using the Classic or Tomcat version of the OPAC?

·         What are your thoughts on the Pros and Cons of either staying with the Classic version or switching to the Tomcat version?  And, why did you decide to either stay with Classic or to switch to Tomcat?

·         What works or doesn’t work so well if you switched to Tomcat?

·         What changes/customizations have you made to the “out-of-the-box” version of Tomcat?



From: Hatleberg, Jennifer
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 10:17 AM
To: Braham, Brenda; Lash, Metta
Subject: RE: draft of e-mail to send out to DC ExLibris list


Looks good!

I like the idea of putting the info about the session in the subject line. Maybe you could move the line that says “
We really want this session to be interactive with lots of give and take but we want to be sure to cover what you, the attendees, are hoping to see.” To above where you ask the first 2 questions.


And this is a minor thing, but I don’t think Tomcat has the capital C (it’s just the name of the platform that WebVoyage is built on).






Jenny Hatleberg
Montgomery College Takoma Park/Silver Spring


From: Braham, Brenda
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 10:11 AM
To: Lash, Metta; Hatleberg, Jennifer
Subject: draft of e-mail to send out to DC ExLibris list


OK, guys, feel free to edit, delete, add, etc. so we can get this out today.  Thanks, Brenda



Dear Colleagues---

For those of you who plan on attending the upcoming DC ExLibris Users Group meeting, we need your input for our session from 1:30 to 2:30pm called Customizing the Voyager OPAC (TomCat).  (Maybe I could shorten this and put in the subject line instead…something like “Attending the 1:30 to 2:30 session on Customizing the Voyager OPAC?  We need your input.”


If you are attending this session, please let us know what you would like us to cover.

·         Do you want this session to be a general session showing you how the new interface looks and discussing some of the things we did to customize our OPAC?

·         Do you want this session to a more “nuts and bolts” type of session, i.e., this is how we did ________ this and fill in the blank.  If this is the kind of session you are looking for, please tell us specifically what you want to know.

We really want this session to be interactive with lots of give and take but we want to be sure to cover what you, the attendees, are hoping to see. 


We also have some questions for you:


·         Are you using the Classic or TomCat version of the OPAC?

·         What are your thoughts on the Pros and Cons of either staying with the Classic version or switching to the TomCat version?  And, why did you decide to either stay with Classic or to switch to TomCat?

·         What works or doesn’t work so well if you switched to TomCat?

·         What changes/customizations have you made to the “out-of-the-box” version of Tomcat?


Brenda Braham, Digital Initiatives Librarian
& 2nd Vice Chair, Staff Senate

Montgomery College
Rockville Campus Library
Technical Services, Macklin Tower 303S
Rockville, MD. 20850
240-567-8033 (off campus) and x78033 (on campus).

Learning Locally, Transforming Globally

Lubuto Library Project, Inc.,,
Bringing enlightenment and hope to Africa's most vulnerable children