All, Please consider and/or share with your colleagues. The position closes Sept. 2nd. Thanks, June Librarian (Systems LIbrarian) - CSFDGLO (Job Number:1900597) Description The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Library seeks an innovative, service-oriented and collaborative information professional to join its headquarters-based Library in Washington D.C. The IMF Library is part of Library Network that serves the information and data needs of clients in the IMF and the World Bank Group. The ideal candidate's primary responsibility includes the day-to-day monitoring, maintenance and ongoing support of the Integrated Library System (ILS), Alma/Primo and other related tools and applications. He/She will facilitate search, discovery, and delivery of library services and resources across different platforms and formats. The Systems Librarian is a member of the Library Operations team which is also responsible for troubleshooting client issues, managing the Library Network's website by developing enterprise library applications, metadata creation, taxonomy management and indexing Executive Board Documents. Additional teams in the Library include the Content Development and the Client Services teams. The Content Development team is responsible for negotiating and licensing resources procured by the Library. The Client Services team is responsible for client interactions, including answering research and reference questions, training, document delivery, interlibrary loan and managing the physical space. More details about responsibilities and qualifications, please follow the link below and look for the vacancy info. https://imf.taleo.net/careersection/imf_external/moresearch.ftl?lang=en June Yang Team Lead, Library Operations INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND 700 19th Street, NW I HQ1 3-570 I Washington, DC 20431 T. +(1) 202.623.9510 I M. +(1) 202.693.0919 I zyang@imf.org<mailto:zyang@imf.org> [cid:image001.jpg@01D48B24.E79CE650]