*Alexandria Library* *Technical Services Position Available* Cataloging Librarian (Librarian II) *Duties*: - Original and descriptive cataloging and metadata creation involving resources in all formats for input into OCLC and local integrated library system. - Responsible for original and copy cataloging and maintaining authority records of both print and non-print materials (audio-visual materials, digital resources, etc.); legal materials, and non-traditional materials (loose-leaf, folios, bound resources). - Maintain and modify online bibliographic records by adding, replacing, merging, updating, and deleting bibliographic records as needed. - Assignment of DDC and LC call numbers and Library of Congress subject headings for records management. - Manage and maintain cataloging procedures of the Local History/Special Collection’s materials and resources along with supporting projects and digital initiatives. - Manage and maintain cataloging of the Law Library’s materials and resources. - Manage and maintain periodicals through ordering, receiving, claims, and prediction records and ensuring the appropriate retention and disposition of materials and records. - Keep informed of professional developments relating to libraries regarding both traditional and nontraditional services. - Work cooperatively with branches and is responsive to the needs of public services in providing user centered bibliographic services. - Willing to participate and serve on library committees and represents the library in local, regional, and national associations. *Qualifications*: - MLS from ALA accredited library school. - Licensed by the State of Virginia (can apply after hiring). - Knowledge of electronic and traditional cataloging (RDA, AACR2R, DDC, LCSH LCRI, MARC formats). - Knowledge of OCLC as well as current standards, trends, and emerging technologies in cataloging services, including those related to digital libraries. - Experienced use of integrated library systems for cataloging and MARC Edit. - Knowledge of various metadata formats (RDA, Archivist Toolkit, Dublin Core, TEI, EAD, METS, MODS, XML, etc.) for digitization and digital initiatives. - Demonstrated knowledge and recent experience with cataloging services. - Practical knowledge of archival policies and procedures; understanding of and experience in implementing archival hierarchies. - Ability to exercise discretion, initiative, and judgment. - Strong oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. - Demonstrated commitment and ability to work effectively with diverse populations. - Ability to work in a team-based environment and participate in additional activities as assigned. *Schedule*: Monday-Friday 8:00a-5:00p. *Salary*: $51,552.80 - $67,503.02 *Benefits*: The selected employee will earn annual and sick leave and is eligible for health, dental and vision insurance; life insurance; retirement plans; long-term disability insurance and long-term care insurance. *Application Instructions* Click here to apply <http://www.alexandria.lib.va.us/client/en_US/home/?rm=EMPLOYMENT+OPP0%7C%7C%...> attaching one document containing a cover letter, resume and three (3) professional references, preferably supervisory. Address Cover Letter to Ross Farley, HR Manager, 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22304. Contact with questions: 703-746-1799, or careers@alexandria.lib.va.us.