DCRUG Annual Meeting (Virtual) Friday, October 25th, 2024 9:30am – 2:45pm EST Registration <https://forms.gle/ArcYLak1cUFcrXts5> is now open for the DC Regional User Group (DCRUG) Annual Meeting, to be held virtually on Friday, October 25th, 2024. Though the regional group represents Ex Libris users from the DC/Maryland/Virginia area, the annual meeting is open and free to all Ex Libris users. Registration Form : <https://forms.gle/gUfUnmGpA6jSVuFu6> https://forms.gle/ArcYLak1cUFcrXts5 Our schedule includes updates from the ELUNA Steering Committee and Ex Libris, discussion of DC RUG business, followed by four Alma-focused presentations. A comprehensive schedule with presentation summaries can be viewed here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UR0Cod_m-IJAxuUzHIwwznEnaZc1XtPyPEKLMUHU...> . A snapshot of the schedule can be found below. Take note that the meeting schedule is for Eastern Standard Time. ******* Schedule 9:30a - 9:35a Welcome & Opening Remarks | DCRUG Co-Chairs, Shane Hickey (American University) and Mary Beth Holm (VCU) 9:35a - 10:10a ELUNA Updates | ELUNA Steering Committee 10:10a - 10:45a Ex Libris Updates | Ex Libris representative 10:45a - 11:05a DCRUG Name & Future In-Person Meetings 11:05a - 11:20a Break 11:20a - 11:55a Migration to Primo VE: Communicating Change and Responding to Feedback | Benjamin Bradley, Matthew Cain, & Andrea Schuba (University of Maryland) 11:55a - 12:30p MARC Records with ChatGPT: Lessons Learned | John Kimbrough (Georgetown University) ** BREAK ** 1:30p - 2:05p An OpenAthens Migration Story: Lessons Learned | Ruth Bueter, Chris Gross, Brian McDonald, & JoLinda Thompson (George Washington University) 2:05p - 2:40p Fulfillment Configuration: From Beginning to End | Patrick Cassidy & Amy Hathaway (Union College) 2:40p - 2:45p Closing Remarks | DCRUG Co-Chairs, Shane Hickey (American University) and Mary Beth Holm (VCU) Please submit your registration by Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024; there is no registration fee. We look forward to seeing you there! Shane Hickey (shickey@american.edu, American University), DCRUG Co-chair Mary Beth Holm (holmm@vcu.edu, VCU), DCRUG Co-chair -- Mary Beth Holm Electronic Resources Librarian Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Libraries 901 Park Ave / PO Box 842033 Richmond, VA 23284-2033 Email: holmm@vcu.edu PH: 804-827-0925 Fax: 804-828-5672 My working day may not be your working day. Please don't feel obligated to respond to this email outside your normal work hours.