PTPL Sponsored XML Workshop, Nov.7-8

XML Workshop with Matthew Gibson Introductory Class (Monday, November 7, 2011) Intermediate Class (Tuesday, November 8, 2011) 9 AM - 5 PM Howard University’s Founders Library Digital Classroom (Room 116) 500 Howard Place, NW, Washington, DC 20059 Matthew Gibson, an experienced XML instructor and developer, is Director of Digital Programs at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities at the University of Virginia. This workshop will explore XML with a specific focus on fundamentals of design, markup, and use. The workshop will take the student through building a document in XML, validating that document, and transforming that document into another format for the public user. Topics to be covered include: Day One · XML: What is it? What's the difference between XML and HTML? And why as librarians should we care about XML? · Understanding XML validation: What it is, and why is it important? · Strategies and decisions in XML markup Day Two · Content transformation (using XSLT and XPath) to enable XML that we build to be read and used in a variety of formats by our potential users. Registration: One-day workshop: $85 PTPL members, $100 non-members Two-day workshop: $150 PTPL members, $165 non-members All registration must be submitted via the PTPL web site: Due date: October 22, 2011 Payment: Payment: Online via credit card/PayPal or by check For questions about registration, please contact Linda Wirth (Treasurer) via e-mail at or by phone (703) 978-0831. ______________________________________________________ Potomac Technical Processing Librarians (PTPL), a regional affiliate of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, is a professional organization for technical services librarians in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. For general information about PTPL, contact Vera Clyburn, Chair, at The PTPL Executive Board and Advisory Council gratefully acknowledge the kind support of the HOWARD UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES in making their Digital Classroom available for this workshop.
participants (1)
Suzanne Picken