SERUG Members, Good morning and thank you for filling out the Doodle poll. Full disclosure, I did not choose the most popular date (Nov 6), but one of the second most popular ones. I have invited a few guests to present and need the additional planning time. We'll record the meeting for anyone unable to attend - btw, please remind me to start the recording 🙂 As soon as the agenda is finalized, I will send it to the list and post it on the website. REMINDER Please fill out the SERUG Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefEbK39d9Dp5lzSvLpIn0ZQIhoBDdJ099S...> We have 117 people subscribed to the SERUG Listserv, but only 16 responses so far. I'm hoping to get more meaningful results. MEETING INFORMATION BELOW I will also add this information to the SERUG site<https://sites.google.com/view/se-rug?usp=sharing> Monday, November 18 @ 11am ET Meeting Link<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MWY0MmZhNzgtNTVkOC00Y...> Meeting ID: 251 515 977 426 Passcode: JddMwo ________________________________ Dial in by phone +1 850-792-8632,,183093973# United States, Tallahassee Find a local number<https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/9fe8e86e-6b61-4831-82aa-ed2eb0bb453a?id=1...> Phone conference ID: 183 093 973# Happy Belated Halloween and Happy Friday, Wendy Ellis Director, Integrated Library Services [cid:b02d491c-4e5e-43f8-a99c-8db598f9c44c] 1753 West Paul Dirac Drive Tallahassee, Florida W: libraries.flvc.org E: wellis@flvc.org [cid:99e4ca70-12fe-479b-891f-1fde3613a5ce]<https://www.facebook.com/goFALSC/> [https://drive.google.com/a/uwf.edu/uc?id=0Bzrsu5lqNP6hbTVvYzY3ZlEzTkk&export...] <https://www.linkedin.com/company/florida-virtual-campus-library-services>
participants (1)
Wendy Ellis