Dec. 3rd DC ExLibris Regional Users Meeting at Montgomery College

Sent on behalf of the Chair, Vani Murthy... Good news. We have been able to secure the free use of the new parking garage right next to the buildings we will be using for our annual meeting. The garage is designated as WG on the attached PDF. It is reachable from Jesup Blair Drive or King Street. As a reminder, I am including registration information for the meeting and the preliminary agenda: The DC ExLibris User Group Meeting will be held on December 3, 2010 at Montgomery College, Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus<>. This will be a great opportunity to meet, network, and exchange ideas with your colleagues. The meeting will offer sessions on Aleph, Voyager, and SFX/MetaLib. ExLibris staff will attend and provide corporate and product updates. Online registration is now open. Please click on the following link to register. Please register early!!! Registration will close on November 29, 2010 This year we have a guest speaker Joan Lippincott, who will speak on the topic "Library of the Future". Joan Lippincott is the Associate Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI). CNI, jointly sponsored by the Association of Research Libraries and Educause, includes about 200 member organizations concerned with the use of information technology and networked information to enhance scholarship and intellectual productivity. For more information about Joan, please click on the following Link Brenda Braham, Digital Initiatives Librarian & 1st Vice Chair, Staff Senate Montgomery College Rockville Campus Library Technical Services, Macklin Tower 303S Rockville, MD. 20850<> 240-567-8033 (off campus) and x78033 (on campus). Learning Locally, Transforming Globally Lubuto Library Project, Inc.,<>, Bringing enlightenment and hope to Africa's most vulnerable children
participants (1)
Braham, Brenda